Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Toe Thumbs

Ah yes, another "in class" blog. I'm currently in computer class, and decided to pour out my soul on a giant flat screen that people who walked by could probably see. Writing blogs- even though they are meant for people to see- is a very personal matter for some reason. I cannot have anyone looking at my writing until it is posted. If someone even walks by my laptop while I'm writing, I'll immediately lower the screen and wait till they go away. If anyone glances at my screen I'll minimize the window. It's kind of like you're thinking out loud and everyone can hear. Eh. I’m weird.

I wrote in history class today. Because we weren’t doing much of anything either in that class. I see a pattern…

History is such a strange subject because although it is pointless, it’s extremely necessary. I mean nobody cares about what happened in the past. Isn’t everyone always telling us to move on with our lives? Having a class revolved on nothing but focusing on it contradicts all those people who try and lecture us when we have a bad day. We should focus on what’s going on now. That actually matters.
Oh god I’m the only one who’s typing in here. Feels like every key I tap on is like an elephant stepping on a glass table. Why do I feel like everyone knows what I’m writing about? (sigh) paranoia.

Anyway back to what I was saying; I’ll bet more than half of the kids in my history class can’t name 4 people in the government, or name 3 political events happening now. But ask them what music is hot, or who embarrassed Taylor Swift at the VMA’s, and they’ll tell you without missing a beat. That’s just how the education system is. *shrug* History is all memorization anyways. It’s not like people actually remember all of the things that were taught. They cram it into their tiny heads for the test and then it disappears once it’s finished. Some kids are lucky though, and they have teachers who actually enjoy teaching and don’t just feed them the answers or read notes off of a paper. Only then can history be interesting and actually engraved into people’s heads. I haven’t heard one person read a history chapter by themselves, look up and say “whoa. That was so amazing. Changed my life.” ….Have you?
I don’t think my job will require me to name all of the US presidents. But of course we have to know where we came from, yada yada.

I don’t get why everyone is freaking out about 2012. Do we even know what’s going to happen? No. But here we are, trying to conduct experiments and coming up with ridiculous theories that scare people out of their minds. It’s kind of one of those thoughts that is always pushed away once it comes up. Everyone fears it but nobody really wants to talk about it. Like platypuses.
Or Michael Jackson’s child molestation cases. *shiver* No one wants to be that guy that just comes up while everyone’s talking about how great of a legend MJ was says, “didn’t he like…rape some kid?”
No one even knows what’ll happen in 2012 anyway. For all we know it could be the discovery of a new species or a week long power outage. OH EM GEE end of the world! Who knows? Maybe the world will end. But it’s not like we’re not already doomed as it is.

My philosophy is that God, or whatever it is, finds a planet, plants us on there, and just leaves us to do what we do. We evolve, we become more intelligent, and as we’re doing that we are slowly destroying our planet little by little until it wipes out and he moves onto the next one. Think about it. Our intelligence is a curse; it’s what dooms us to hell. We destroy everything we have because we become obsessed with having more. As we cure more diseases and find new things, we will always want additions. That’s just how the human mind works. We can never have enough. We will want more and more until there isn’t anything anymore. Animals are already being killed off, and our environment is breaking down to a crisp. Maybe 2012 will just be our planet collapsing and us going down with it.

Eh, maybe people just like to scare themselves. Who wants the idea that 2012 will just be some slight climate change? You can’t make a movie out of that.

What's funny is that fear is something that most people push away and hate dealing with, when really it is essential to our lives. Without fear we would all be dead. Fear stops us from doing stupid things, and appreciating the fact we’re alive. Appreciating the fact that our bodies aren’t chopped up or we’re not in the hospital, or in jail. Almost every human would be smoking if it weren’t for those scary ads about lung cancer, and we’d all be breaking into people’s houses if we weren’t scared of the police or going to prison, and we'd all be wearing hideous outfits to work if we weren't scared of rejection or criticism.

Isn’t it weird, what we find stylish? Some people go to such extremes to be “in style”. They pierce holes into their bodies, die on the operating table, stop feeding themselves. And our twisted molded minds are attracted to what those things bring. Nice bodies, perfect noses, awesome piercings. Some guys reject girls if they’re too chunky or don’t have enough boobs or their lips are too small. Because women like Megan Fox, set the bar for us.

But it doesn’t matter how perfect you are-may seem. People will always find a way to place a giant shadow on that flawlessness of yours. For instance, Megan Fox…and her toe thumbs. Really? Are people really going to sink that low that they have to talk about the woman’s fingers? She’s pretty, let her live. And her fingers look fine. Men sit back in their chairs and reject her because of just that, but I’ll bet that if she came up to them in her underwear covered in chocolate syrup or whatever it may be, those thumbs wouldn’t even cross their minds. Not to mention the only reason they have to find a mistake is because they can’t have her. Anyone who won’t notice or be with them has to be imperfect right?

Humans have to accept that perfect doesn’t happen. It doesn’t exist. Especially with our minds. We will always find something to hate, or reject, or criticize. Because if there’s pretty there has to be ugly, if there’s small, there has to be big. We can’t just look at ourselves and say “wow, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.” That’s not how it works unless one has a serious mental issue. You can like yourself, sure. Nothing wrong with that. But it’s healthy to have imperfections. It’s human. And that’s what we are, and that’s what people have to deal with. And "toe-like" fingers are just something we’ll have to live with.

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