Friday, October 23, 2009


I think the biggest scare a teenage girl could have is thinking that she could be pregnant. It’s the dreaded thought that haunts teenagers and even women who don’t want to have babies. Waiting for that time of the month seems like an eternity, and you just pray and long for that miserable week. Ironic isn’t it? I think it’s the thought of taking care of another life that scares them. The thought of being responsible for raising someone else and making sure you don’t kill them or mess them up along the way. You can’t take care of yourself let alone somebody else. Girls this age can’t raise babies. Unless they’ve already made millions of dollars and are ready to retire and are married, which is …quite rare. But when there’s still school, and their entire career in front of them, it all goes down the drain with a hungry baby screaming at 4 in the morning.

Eh, I decided to talk about it. Because it’s a touchy subject. And I like touchy subjects.
Yes, that is what she said.

Today there is no school. Which means students actually get a whole day to relax themselves and get away from the hectic atmosphere of school. We’re even stressed on the weekends. With the piles of homework our teachers assign us, we can’t even take a breath. We go to school and work, then come home and work, then sleep, and do it all again the next day. You know somewhere in New Jersey they’re not even allowed to assign homework on the weekends? I know, right?

So I saw the trailer for this new alien movie called The Fourth Kind. I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not, but basically it’s about alien abductions and it involves “archive footage” which is “real”. The whole thing was quite disturbing to be honest. Not going to lie, I couldn’t sleep for two nights. And that was just from the trailer. But the industry is being smart by using this tool called “real footage”. That’s what scares people into thinking that whatever they saw could be- or is real. When you watch a movie and get scared of it, you can just tell yourself it’s a movie. But when there’s real footage of some guy levitating off of a bed….there’s nothing you can really say. It haunts you. And pretty soon you become paranoid. But somehow people are attracted to this. For instance, instead of going to see a fictional horror like Saw, most people would probably go for Paranormal Activity, which is a documentary type horror because it seems more real.
Like I said, they love scaring themselves.

When did this become a movie review?

Is it weird that I do believe in aliens? I mean, not the green skin bug eyed robe wearing ones, but I believe that we can’t be the only life in this universe. To think that would just be ignorant. There has to be something else, or someone else.
Maybe 2012 will be us discovering that there are aliens. Let's just hope they don't try to take over our world before sitting down over coffee and discussing what we’re going to do.

This was a short blog.
I’m going to go make my lace jabot for my Halloween costume. Bet you can’t guess what it is.

Did you know the word “blog” was not in spell check?

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