Monday, October 26, 2009

Tech No Logic.

Yet another day in web design not doing anything but pointless nothings on the computer.

The internet is such a nuisance. One of the reasons being we can’t live without it. I don’t know about you, but I feel lost without my phone. And without internet connection, I feel isolated and detached from the entire world. I feel disoriented. All because of an electronic device. Kind of a crazy thought, no? Well not to us.

People can do anything on the internet these days. They can buy clothes, or even groceries, they can sell things, meet life partners, and find long lost friends. You can revolve or build your entire life around the internet. Our generation is the cursed one. It’s the least creative, due to all the advantages handed to us by technology. Fewer children are playing sports, and resorting to video games. Hell, singers don't even have to be good anymore; we have machines to make them sound perfect. I know some of you are thinking “oh em gee huge crisis…naht.” But at the same time, look at what the future will hold for us. What will we do in 10 years when they’ve created an electronic version of everything? Soon enough schools will be taught through computers. Hell, exercising can be bought on video game softwares now. You don’t even have to leave your room anymore.

People become obsessed with the technology. Doctors don’t even have to lift a finger nowadays. They can do open heart surgery without even cutting someone open anymore. Laser liposuction has stopped people from exercising. “Non invasive? I’ll get it done. Who needs to work out when I could just do that?” It’s like they’re trying to create a computerized version of life. I’m just waiting for the day they accidentally program robots to be smarter than us and they take over the world. Only then will they say, “hey guys…maybe we shouldn’t have made so much technological advances.”

On the other hand technology is a blessing. It helps us save lives easier and faster due to new machines in hospitals, opens communication due to new “friending” sites, and promoted new things like music.

Oh god, I just left my blog open while I helped someone. Great, now everyone knows what I’m thinking.

Doesn’t it seem like everything is just about money? Doctors don’t even save lives anymore because they want to; it’s because they want the money. “No insurance? Sorry, you’ll just have to take yourself and your chopped off foot out of our ER. Please don’t get any of the spewing blood on our other patients.”
The government is zillions of dollars in debt. I didn’t even know that number existed. Zillions? They just spend money on weapons and things we barely need. They spend and spend money they don’t have and we have to pay for it in the end.

When did this become a revolt against the government?

The dollar is burnt to a crisp. It barely serves any value anymore anyway.
I say everything should be free. Who’s with me?

That quote “money doesn’t buy happiness” is very deceiving. It can buy happiness in some cases. Hell, if you’re a homeless person living on the streets, starving without any food or even a blanket to cover you from the freezing cold, money could buy you a nice meal and something to keep you warm. And if you ask me, I think that a full stomach and something to sleep on could make that person very happy.

But there are people with tons of money, people who could buy anything in the world; who are miserable. Sometimes they’re the least happiest people on earth. All they do is buy and throw away. Kids in India and Uganda are happier than them. Even the simplicity of tossing around a ball and drinking their only cup of water that day can be enough to them. And I think that’s truly beautiful. Not the fact that they don't have those things, but the fact that they don’t need much to be happy. I think that being happy because of life’s simple tiny things is the most amazing thing one can have. That is true happiness. Happiness doesn’t come from yachts and mansions and pimped out rides. After all we did begin with nothing. We lived on the pure earth, slept on the soil, and drank rainwater. And hey, we were perfectly fine. It wasn’t until one guy came up and said “hey we should start paying for our things.” that humanity divided into things called “classes”.

This word is what makes some people believe that they are better than others. It makes people think they’re not good enough. If you think about it, money is just pieces of paper. They’re pieces of green paper with dead presidents’ faces on them. And coins are the same thing. Symbolism goes a long way, doesn’t it? Nobody actually sees those rectangles as just paper. They see it as their future, their kids’ futures, something that could save a relative from dying. People become sick, they become possessed over these snip it’s of paper. Your entire day could light up just by finding a bill on the floor. What if we all just took green colored paper and cut them into rectangles?
We could call that money, right?

I think money is stupid. The fact that some people think that those with more money are more educated than those without is probably the most ignorant thing to have ever been said. I’ve met wealthy people who didn’t have any manners what so ever. They were mean and impolite, and some even belched at the dinner table. But I’ve met people living in one bedroom houses, who were the kindest, wisest people I’ve ever come across. Money can buy lots of things. It could change people’s lives, it could cure diseases, it could rule the world. But in the end, it's just pieces of paper and coins.
...That's it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Everyone Knows.

Love is weird. Love is something that can show up and disappear faster than you can say “what happened?” Love is something that can make you feel so high you can never come down. Love is something that can make you feel so low you don’t know if you’ll ever see light again. Funny thing is, nobody knows what it is. What is it? It’s not what the dictionary says it is. It’s not what your mother tells you. Love is an emotion that everyone feels and experiences differently. Your love is not the same as my love, or his love. Teenage love is not the same love as 50 or 60 year old love.
Love is fragile. Love is strong.
Love is something that can grow or collapse over time. Love is certain, love is unsure.
People write songs, stories, poems about love. They make movies about it, advertise it. Love is something so personalized yet so…universal. It’s the only thing that no one knows about, yet they all do.
Does that even make sense?
Love can be transferred from one person to the next. Love can be shared, or kept to yourself. Love can revive a person. Love can kill a person.
Love can make you say “I cant do this” or “I want to do this.”
Love can save a person. Love can doom a person.
Have you ever been unsure about love?
Have people ever told you that you weren’t in love?

Hey check out this quote;
“Who is everyone to tell you what you’re not? Love is something that everyone defines and feels differently. Time has nothing to do with it. It’s not measured. You will know if you are or not. Don’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation. The people who matter will get it. There are couples that are together for years and never fall in love, but there are also couples who fall in love after one week. Who are we to judge? No one knows what you think, so nobody can tell you what you are or what you’re not. Ignorant people will deal, and the important people will celebrate.” – Gili Menashe

Love is such a touchy subject yet everyone touches it.
It’s like the forbidden tree from Adam and Eve’s story.
Everyone tells you not to touch it but you simply cannot resist. And of course, there are always consequences. You’ll get punished sooner or later.
Love is a guilty pleasure.
Love is positive. Love is pessimistic.
Love is everything. Love is nothing.

Bored At The Paris Airport + iPhone Notepad = This;

She woke up to complete darkness surrounding her. Making sure her eyes were opened, she widened and rubbed them frantically, hoping the darkness would disappear and warm light would fall onto her frozen skin. But she opened them again only to find herself enveloped in shadows.
“Finally,” she heard a voice say. “I didn’t think you’d ever show.”
She swallowed and took a deep breath, hoping to slow down her rapid heartbeat which seemed to be getting faster by the second, praying to get rid of the chill that went through her body.
“Who…are you?” she slowly said.
The voice began to chuckle slyly. The laughter followed with footsteps which seemed to be getting closer to her. Heavier and heavier. She covered her ears and curled up as the steps became louder and louder. Each clunk coming closer. Hugging her knees and trying to hold her breath, she began to cry.
“Make this stop,” she whispered. “Make this stop.”
When the footsteps finally reached her, she began to shake.
“First timer huh?” the deep voice asked. “Do you know where you are?”
She shook her head quickly, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness.
“See that light at the end of that tunnel there?” the voice questioned.
She squinted her eyes. In the distance appeared a tiny sphere of brightness. The warmest light she had ever seen.
“Here’s some advice, kid. Don’t move.”
Confused, she suddenly became immobilized. All she wanted to do was listen to the voice who seemed to know every answer in the world at that moment.
“Wh…what is…” she attempted to speak. “I’m cold.” She shivered again, this time being able to see her own breath right in front of her.
“Look, whatever you do, don’t go near that light. Do you hear me?”
She sat completely still, trying to stop her shaking.
“Do you get it?” the voice demanded.
“Yes…I heard you.” She whispered through her chattering teeth. “Who are you? Your voice sounds…familiar.”
“I’m not anybody.”
She could suddenly feel herself getting warmer. She could no longer see her own breath, and the light became smaller and smaller until it simply disappeared and she was once again in complete darkness.
She looked around, and let the silence fill her ears, the black fall onto her skin like heavy rain. When she finally had enough courage to let go of her knees, something jerked at her.
“Clear!” a woman’s voice said.
Another pull.
“We’ve got a pulse.”

Friday, October 23, 2009


I think the biggest scare a teenage girl could have is thinking that she could be pregnant. It’s the dreaded thought that haunts teenagers and even women who don’t want to have babies. Waiting for that time of the month seems like an eternity, and you just pray and long for that miserable week. Ironic isn’t it? I think it’s the thought of taking care of another life that scares them. The thought of being responsible for raising someone else and making sure you don’t kill them or mess them up along the way. You can’t take care of yourself let alone somebody else. Girls this age can’t raise babies. Unless they’ve already made millions of dollars and are ready to retire and are married, which is …quite rare. But when there’s still school, and their entire career in front of them, it all goes down the drain with a hungry baby screaming at 4 in the morning.

Eh, I decided to talk about it. Because it’s a touchy subject. And I like touchy subjects.
Yes, that is what she said.

Today there is no school. Which means students actually get a whole day to relax themselves and get away from the hectic atmosphere of school. We’re even stressed on the weekends. With the piles of homework our teachers assign us, we can’t even take a breath. We go to school and work, then come home and work, then sleep, and do it all again the next day. You know somewhere in New Jersey they’re not even allowed to assign homework on the weekends? I know, right?

So I saw the trailer for this new alien movie called The Fourth Kind. I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not, but basically it’s about alien abductions and it involves “archive footage” which is “real”. The whole thing was quite disturbing to be honest. Not going to lie, I couldn’t sleep for two nights. And that was just from the trailer. But the industry is being smart by using this tool called “real footage”. That’s what scares people into thinking that whatever they saw could be- or is real. When you watch a movie and get scared of it, you can just tell yourself it’s a movie. But when there’s real footage of some guy levitating off of a bed….there’s nothing you can really say. It haunts you. And pretty soon you become paranoid. But somehow people are attracted to this. For instance, instead of going to see a fictional horror like Saw, most people would probably go for Paranormal Activity, which is a documentary type horror because it seems more real.
Like I said, they love scaring themselves.

When did this become a movie review?

Is it weird that I do believe in aliens? I mean, not the green skin bug eyed robe wearing ones, but I believe that we can’t be the only life in this universe. To think that would just be ignorant. There has to be something else, or someone else.
Maybe 2012 will be us discovering that there are aliens. Let's just hope they don't try to take over our world before sitting down over coffee and discussing what we’re going to do.

This was a short blog.
I’m going to go make my lace jabot for my Halloween costume. Bet you can’t guess what it is.

Did you know the word “blog” was not in spell check?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Toe Thumbs

Ah yes, another "in class" blog. I'm currently in computer class, and decided to pour out my soul on a giant flat screen that people who walked by could probably see. Writing blogs- even though they are meant for people to see- is a very personal matter for some reason. I cannot have anyone looking at my writing until it is posted. If someone even walks by my laptop while I'm writing, I'll immediately lower the screen and wait till they go away. If anyone glances at my screen I'll minimize the window. It's kind of like you're thinking out loud and everyone can hear. Eh. I’m weird.

I wrote in history class today. Because we weren’t doing much of anything either in that class. I see a pattern…

History is such a strange subject because although it is pointless, it’s extremely necessary. I mean nobody cares about what happened in the past. Isn’t everyone always telling us to move on with our lives? Having a class revolved on nothing but focusing on it contradicts all those people who try and lecture us when we have a bad day. We should focus on what’s going on now. That actually matters.
Oh god I’m the only one who’s typing in here. Feels like every key I tap on is like an elephant stepping on a glass table. Why do I feel like everyone knows what I’m writing about? (sigh) paranoia.

Anyway back to what I was saying; I’ll bet more than half of the kids in my history class can’t name 4 people in the government, or name 3 political events happening now. But ask them what music is hot, or who embarrassed Taylor Swift at the VMA’s, and they’ll tell you without missing a beat. That’s just how the education system is. *shrug* History is all memorization anyways. It’s not like people actually remember all of the things that were taught. They cram it into their tiny heads for the test and then it disappears once it’s finished. Some kids are lucky though, and they have teachers who actually enjoy teaching and don’t just feed them the answers or read notes off of a paper. Only then can history be interesting and actually engraved into people’s heads. I haven’t heard one person read a history chapter by themselves, look up and say “whoa. That was so amazing. Changed my life.” ….Have you?
I don’t think my job will require me to name all of the US presidents. But of course we have to know where we came from, yada yada.

I don’t get why everyone is freaking out about 2012. Do we even know what’s going to happen? No. But here we are, trying to conduct experiments and coming up with ridiculous theories that scare people out of their minds. It’s kind of one of those thoughts that is always pushed away once it comes up. Everyone fears it but nobody really wants to talk about it. Like platypuses.
Or Michael Jackson’s child molestation cases. *shiver* No one wants to be that guy that just comes up while everyone’s talking about how great of a legend MJ was says, “didn’t he like…rape some kid?”
No one even knows what’ll happen in 2012 anyway. For all we know it could be the discovery of a new species or a week long power outage. OH EM GEE end of the world! Who knows? Maybe the world will end. But it’s not like we’re not already doomed as it is.

My philosophy is that God, or whatever it is, finds a planet, plants us on there, and just leaves us to do what we do. We evolve, we become more intelligent, and as we’re doing that we are slowly destroying our planet little by little until it wipes out and he moves onto the next one. Think about it. Our intelligence is a curse; it’s what dooms us to hell. We destroy everything we have because we become obsessed with having more. As we cure more diseases and find new things, we will always want additions. That’s just how the human mind works. We can never have enough. We will want more and more until there isn’t anything anymore. Animals are already being killed off, and our environment is breaking down to a crisp. Maybe 2012 will just be our planet collapsing and us going down with it.

Eh, maybe people just like to scare themselves. Who wants the idea that 2012 will just be some slight climate change? You can’t make a movie out of that.

What's funny is that fear is something that most people push away and hate dealing with, when really it is essential to our lives. Without fear we would all be dead. Fear stops us from doing stupid things, and appreciating the fact we’re alive. Appreciating the fact that our bodies aren’t chopped up or we’re not in the hospital, or in jail. Almost every human would be smoking if it weren’t for those scary ads about lung cancer, and we’d all be breaking into people’s houses if we weren’t scared of the police or going to prison, and we'd all be wearing hideous outfits to work if we weren't scared of rejection or criticism.

Isn’t it weird, what we find stylish? Some people go to such extremes to be “in style”. They pierce holes into their bodies, die on the operating table, stop feeding themselves. And our twisted molded minds are attracted to what those things bring. Nice bodies, perfect noses, awesome piercings. Some guys reject girls if they’re too chunky or don’t have enough boobs or their lips are too small. Because women like Megan Fox, set the bar for us.

But it doesn’t matter how perfect you are-may seem. People will always find a way to place a giant shadow on that flawlessness of yours. For instance, Megan Fox…and her toe thumbs. Really? Are people really going to sink that low that they have to talk about the woman’s fingers? She’s pretty, let her live. And her fingers look fine. Men sit back in their chairs and reject her because of just that, but I’ll bet that if she came up to them in her underwear covered in chocolate syrup or whatever it may be, those thumbs wouldn’t even cross their minds. Not to mention the only reason they have to find a mistake is because they can’t have her. Anyone who won’t notice or be with them has to be imperfect right?

Humans have to accept that perfect doesn’t happen. It doesn’t exist. Especially with our minds. We will always find something to hate, or reject, or criticize. Because if there’s pretty there has to be ugly, if there’s small, there has to be big. We can’t just look at ourselves and say “wow, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.” That’s not how it works unless one has a serious mental issue. You can like yourself, sure. Nothing wrong with that. But it’s healthy to have imperfections. It’s human. And that’s what we are, and that’s what people have to deal with. And "toe-like" fingers are just something we’ll have to live with.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Today was a blah day. Not excellent, not awful. Does that ever happen to you? You come across those days that aren’t bad, but aren’t good either. And you just come home and sigh and hope tomorrow won’t be as…blah. Everything is blah to us adolescents. It’s either a “blah” or “the world is ending” situation. Never in between. In between is boring. Who needs that when you have extremes? I’m not making sense.

What does that even mean? Make sense. Is it understanding? Crazy people make sense…to other insane people. I guess it’s a matter of being on the same page.
I was thinking about things people do. I mean things that make us different.
Everyone has that one thing they do. That one thing they do that makes them feel like they’re in a different dimension or out of their own body. Whether it’s writing a poem, or tackling others and throwing footballs, or being up on stage and singing or dancing. I remember, I was having a rough day at my singing lesson, and as I was doing warm-ups my teacher just looked up at me and said , “You’re lost without singing, aren’t you?”
I said, “What?”
She said, “You’re lost without it. You can’t function.” And when I thought about it, she was right. I simply could not function without belting out those notes or humming along to a soft melody every once in a while. It’s my therapy. When I’m stressed I pick up a guitar and disappear, went I’m angry I shut my door and sing some Paramore. When I’m sad I go on the piano. Doesn’t everyone have that? Something that makes them feel like they can get away from themselves for at least one minute and be somebody else, somewhere else?
And I don’t really count drugs as a hobby. Then again people could brand anything as their hobby nowadays.

Do those even exist anymore? Or do people just sit around and watch TV and eat? Hey, those could be hobbies. A hobby could be anything right? It could be sitting on the toilet or watching the rain fall. Or doing both at the same time. Anyone could put a name on that and call it their hobby. But there’s a big difference between hobby and passion though. Everyone knows that.

I don’t know if I like people saying “This is my life. I live, breathe, and eat, it.” …No. You live life, breathe air, and eat food. Simple as that. Music isn’t my life. It’s not really anyone’s. It could be a giant part of your life and you could be around it almost 24 hours a day. Could make your life better, or could fulfill it, but you don’t wake up and sing every word that comes out of your mouth, or drink a glass of music notes for breakfast, or hear songs when you walk out your front door. You have other factors in life. You can’t set it on one thing. Life has too many things for people to just put blinders on their face and walk forward. And those little factors, and hobbies, and passions are put there so you don’t bore yourself to death by fixing yourself on one thing. Even if it is the one thing that keeps you going everyday, you will drive yourself mad if you don’t take off that blindfold and squint your eyes until they finally open.
There I go again, preaching.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm Just An Illusion.

So, I decided to write a blog during class. Kind of an experiment I wanted to try so bare with me.

Today I’m in a class full of new faces. Isn’t it amazing how many different faces there are in the world? I heard there are only 6 people in the entire world that look like you. Can you imagine that? At the same time it’s a creepy thought knowing there are 6 people wearing your face. 6 people carrying your physical identity.

(shrug) I try not to think about it. I’m just waiting for the day I actually come across one of those people. What do you even say when you see that? What do you do?

I like to think up a lot of “what if” questions.

What if everything in life were just a computer software? What if everything was just fabricated pixels and we’re just programs? What if you all didn’t exist and I’m not talking to anyone? What if I don’t exist and I’m just the illusion.

Okay, that’s enough.

The truth is, if nobody asked these “what if” questions, we wouldn’t be anywhere. If people didn’t ask “what if I could cure this,” or “what if we could walk on that moon I see every night?” If we didn’t ask those silly questions, we’d still be in the caveman era.

There are so many different kinds of people here. Even in this tiny stuffy room, filled with 20 some people. I like to study them and see how they communicate and carry themselves. When you get a better understanding of how a different variety of people correspond and function, it’s easier to get through life. Reading people is a big part of life. It could alter your decisions and everyone knows that one altered decision could change your life. But enough preaching.

Oh God…someone keeps staring at me.

…maybe I’ll stare back.

Ah perfect. The freaked-out-quick-glance-look-away.

I probably appear to be more cynical than I actually am.

Eh who am I kidding, I am quite cynical. Then again, which teenager isn’t?

This whole thing is kind of sporadic isn’t it?

I think my teacher might be wearing a toupee.

Ah another thing to rant about. I don’t know if it’s just America, but recently many people have not been able to accept the process of ageing.

Think about it, botox, hair implants, face lifts, toupees! It’s like some people want to defy the basic laws of life.

You age.

We all do. It’s a natural process. And with the sickened mind of the media, it’s no wonder 50 year old women want some botox after watching the collagen infested actresses on television. Or that men will poke holes into their heads and place hair follicles inside because they see people like David Hassalhoff with a full head of hair at 50 something. Sure everyone wants to look good, and no woman looks forward to the day they see an army of wrinkles on their face. But it’s the smart ones who accept that ageing, wrinkles, hair loss, sagging, or whatever it might be, happens. And the smarter ones who accept that person when they’re missing all their teeth and their face looks like a prune.

Sooner or later it won’t matter how much crap you inject into your lips or how much skin you lift. We’re all going to the same place, and will eventually end up looking the same.

And as much of a grim thought it is, it’s the truth. And you can’t cover up the truth with botox.

Monday, October 5, 2009

You're Crazy, Darling.

Oh, Pisces. Probably the most dreaded astrological sign anyone could possibly fall upon. Those who’s birthdays fall between February 20th and March 20th are simply screwed. The most complicated demented sign of them all. Self destructive, distorted. The worst part is we’re cursed with these outrageous emotions that only psychos are capable of feeling.

We’re everyone’s therapist because people feel “comfortable” around us and like they can “relate”. Well that’s only because we’ve been through everything. And if we haven’t, we make sure we do. Experiencing every emotion known to man is critical for Pisces. I mean what else can we do? We’re the fish. We swim in the dark depths of the ocean, just floating and drifting past everything in our lives while trying to contain as much information as possible so we can use it against people. Just kidding, we're not that synical. The truth is all we want to do is give. Whether it's giving happiness or prosperity, selflessness is the only way we can live.

We’re a different person every day. The person you saw yesterday is not the same one you’re listening to today. That person has probably found 10 more personalities in the last hour. We can never make a decision, yet we find ourselves in situations we where have to make them all the time. And don't get me started on relationships. Love is the rarest to hold onto because like the fish, we simply swim away the second we find something better. Maybe Pisceaneans don’t even feel this way. Maybe they’ve never even heard these despicable opinions. Unless they have. Maybe I’m not the only psychotic person in this world.

…Then again I could just be alone on this one.