Monday, October 19, 2009


Today was a blah day. Not excellent, not awful. Does that ever happen to you? You come across those days that aren’t bad, but aren’t good either. And you just come home and sigh and hope tomorrow won’t be as…blah. Everything is blah to us adolescents. It’s either a “blah” or “the world is ending” situation. Never in between. In between is boring. Who needs that when you have extremes? I’m not making sense.

What does that even mean? Make sense. Is it understanding? Crazy people make sense…to other insane people. I guess it’s a matter of being on the same page.
I was thinking about things people do. I mean things that make us different.
Everyone has that one thing they do. That one thing they do that makes them feel like they’re in a different dimension or out of their own body. Whether it’s writing a poem, or tackling others and throwing footballs, or being up on stage and singing or dancing. I remember, I was having a rough day at my singing lesson, and as I was doing warm-ups my teacher just looked up at me and said , “You’re lost without singing, aren’t you?”
I said, “What?”
She said, “You’re lost without it. You can’t function.” And when I thought about it, she was right. I simply could not function without belting out those notes or humming along to a soft melody every once in a while. It’s my therapy. When I’m stressed I pick up a guitar and disappear, went I’m angry I shut my door and sing some Paramore. When I’m sad I go on the piano. Doesn’t everyone have that? Something that makes them feel like they can get away from themselves for at least one minute and be somebody else, somewhere else?
And I don’t really count drugs as a hobby. Then again people could brand anything as their hobby nowadays.

Do those even exist anymore? Or do people just sit around and watch TV and eat? Hey, those could be hobbies. A hobby could be anything right? It could be sitting on the toilet or watching the rain fall. Or doing both at the same time. Anyone could put a name on that and call it their hobby. But there’s a big difference between hobby and passion though. Everyone knows that.

I don’t know if I like people saying “This is my life. I live, breathe, and eat, it.” …No. You live life, breathe air, and eat food. Simple as that. Music isn’t my life. It’s not really anyone’s. It could be a giant part of your life and you could be around it almost 24 hours a day. Could make your life better, or could fulfill it, but you don’t wake up and sing every word that comes out of your mouth, or drink a glass of music notes for breakfast, or hear songs when you walk out your front door. You have other factors in life. You can’t set it on one thing. Life has too many things for people to just put blinders on their face and walk forward. And those little factors, and hobbies, and passions are put there so you don’t bore yourself to death by fixing yourself on one thing. Even if it is the one thing that keeps you going everyday, you will drive yourself mad if you don’t take off that blindfold and squint your eyes until they finally open.
There I go again, preaching.

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