Sunday, December 27, 2009

Revolutionist Wannabe.

Anger is something that can completely destroy a person.
It could make someone go insane, or even appear to be insane when they’re not.
Anger turns you into a monster.

Of course, our examples of anger consist of the Hulk, who turns into a green giant when he gets upset.
This whole shirt ripping, muscle growing nonsense only misleads us.
Then again it is a metaphor for how dumb people look when they get as angry as the Hulk.
“Do I look like that when I’m angry? Do I appear to be that scary?”
I guess they were just trying to say: Don’t become like the Hulk if you become upset.
Deal with your problems in a less barbaric way.
But of course; nobody gets this message.
I mean it’s like everyday there is more and more violence in the world. People turn to it for comfort, for closure. Boyfriend cheated on you with a girl? Well beat her face in. That’ll make you feel better right?

I just don’t understand why some people have to see someone bleeding or rolling around and crying to feel satisfaction.

I always say the best revenge is to just not do anything and let karma do it for you.
I mean watching some people yelling at each other like barbarians, like animals, threatening, teaming up on people and just beating them up; personally I think it’s disgusting and sad. What have we turned into? It's like we've taken a round about trip back into the stone age where we didn't use words, just hit each other with sticks.

It’s like nobody can treat a situation normally anymore.
Even some adults cannot act adult in a situation.
Is it so hard to apologize? To talk things out?
Apparently it is. And you have to end up with a bloody nose and a busted lip in order to have “solved things”.

Nowadays mostly everyone just veers their energy toward hate and discrimination, and violence. Can you believe all this energy that goes into protests against gays, or hate speeches against celebrities? Violent revolts and gatherings? It’s enough to power the entire world for ages.

I don’t get why we can’t just focus all that energy into love. Into hope and peace.
Yeah yeah, as cheesy as it sounds, we all know the world could use a lot more of it.
I think that’s why people like Gandhi and the Dalai Lama are so significant. Because they’re one of the few people in this world that have devoted their lives to peace and just loving one another.
We definitely need more of em.

Anger can eat you up inside when you don’t know how to express it.
What a lot of people don’t know is, you can let out your anger through something positive.
"What? Impossible."
I mean come on, everyone has that one thing that just evokes their emotions and makes them feel completely relieved after doing.
Whether it’s chopping wood, writing, singing, dancing, driving, hell even sex.
They’re all better than violence itself. And they get rid of the same anger you have inside.

And I think we need to spend more time trying to spread love and good energy rather than all this irritation and rage that seems to be traveling faster than that damn Swine Flu.

But enough of me trying to change the world. We all know it’ll never happen.
After all people thrive on violence and drama.
And without them, love wouldn’t even exist. We’d all just be hippies floating around from one place to another.

Then again, that doesn’t seem so bad either.

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