Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye Two Thousand Nine.

I think smart girls will never be with someone perfect.
I mean, think about it. They’re minds are always running, always thinking of new things, always getting bored so easily. That’s why they need someone who has flaws.
There has to be something to look for, something to have to find each day to make everything more special. We can’t just have everything in front of us. That’s boring.

There’s also that whole “looks” thing. People shouldn’t judge when they see some gorgeous girl with a not so gorgeous guy, or vise versa.
When did we all become so shallow?
Why isn’t it possible for people to go out with whoever they want regardless of their looks? Why should we have to be embarrassed to show pictures or facebooks or whatever it is?
Can’t we be with someone for who they are inside?

I for one don’t really care about looks. Part of the reason being that most guys with good looks can be cocky douche bags.
I mean you see this gorgeous guy, and when he opens his mouth, he’s automatically “okay looking.” Then he gets into conversation with you, and he’s… “ugly”.
You see this not so handsome guy, he opens his mouth and is cute, then you guys spend the whole night talking and he’s gorgeous…or just the guy for you.
Nobody should only look at what’s on the outside; how much somebody works out, whitens their teeth, or how tight their shirt is. In the end it really does not come down to that.

That whole “she deserves better” term doesn’t really mean anything unless the guy is abusive, disrespectful, hurting her etc.
If he’s not on the cute side, or the extremely romantic type or any of those “luxuries”, we shouldn’t complain unless they’re necessities to us. But believe it or not there are people who don’t need roses or shiny jewelry to make them happy. Maybe that girl doesn’t need anything but for her boyfriend to just be there for her whenever.

So when you see some pretty girl with a guy who doesn’t look so great, think twice. Maybe there’s something about him that is pretty cool.

But enough of me trying to be a love doctor.

It is officially the last day of 2009. And I gotta tell you, I don’t feel any different.

This whole “can’t wait for the new year, it’ll be better than this year” thing is kind of overrated.
I mean is anybody really gonna wake up tomorrow feeling any different?
It’s not like we’re gonna sprout superpowers or have our lives do a 360.
Time is an illusion.
And of course we’re all excited because we think that we’re gonna have new beginnings. Which is fine, it’s human to hope we’ll have a better year or we’re actually gonna follow through our resolutions, but life is life and it goes day by day.
We don’t really feel it go by until we look back on the last day of the year and go “Wow. It’s been a year. Oh well time to get drunk.”
I don’t know. Just my philosophy.
But I guess the idea of a clean slate is what makes people so excited. So yeah, I understand.

I don’t get people. Does anyone?
I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that I will never figure out why they do the things they do. Whether it’s for fun, for satisfaction, I think they will always find some way to baffle me completely.

I hate when people do bad things to other people and use excuses for it. As if their excuse would automatically cancel out what they just did to hurt that person.
I’m not a person of excuses so I don’t really take them when someone does something bad.

Sympathy should be earned right? Not just taken or used to someone’s advantage.
You can’t abuse your sympathy because after a while, no ones really going to care anymore whether you were a victim or whatever it might be, if you keep doing bad things.

For example if someone has had a bad past why should there be any reason for that person to make someone else’s life hell? Just because theirs wasn’t that great?

Nobody on this earth has automatic permission to ruin somebody else’s life. No matter how much unhappiness they’ve been through.
I’m close to people who have been severely abused and neglected as children and they would never even think of bringing someone else down for their own satisfaction. They just focus on bringing themselves up. Which is why they’re so successful in life.

As stupid as it sounds I’ll use an example from America’s Next Top Model.
Yeah, yeah. I know.
I watched that show for so long and I noticed that all the girls, who wished bad things upon other girls, lost. The ones who said “she shouldn’t win” went home first.
And the ones who were happy for everyone and didn’t get mingled into anything are the ones who won.
I just always feel like that’s the example that makes me think- people who hate upon others for being happy or maybe even better than them at some things will always end up miserable. Happiness can only be found within yourself. If you’re happy with yourself there shouldn’t be any reason to make others unhappy.

But like I said if someone is bothering you because they’re jealous or unhappy with their lives- Let karma do its work and just ignore the small people. You know where they’ll end up thinking the way they do. And they will get their fair share of life biting them in the butt. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

But it is time to celebrate the fact that we have lived one more year in our lives. That we have had a whole year of great experiences, bad experiences, lessons, and of course the new people we’ve met along our journey through life.
So party it up, live it up, “up” whatever you may need.
I’m just worried how long it will take me to stop erasing the “09” on the date of my paper when I forget to write a “10”.

RIP 2009, we’ll miss you.

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