Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gimme Some.

Last night at 4 in the morning, I was dumped via text message.

Eh, maybe not "dumped".

But I'm not ashamed to admit that a certain someone simply didn't want me anymore. 
Even though I was "all they needed" a day ago.
But hey, I'm a teenager. It happens.
People lie, or change their minds, or want other things.
Can we blame them?

Cried until 6 in the morning, then finally managed to fall asleep.
But you know what? 
I feel fine. 

Instead of spending my day in my room crying, being miserable, and eating my way to "happiness", I spent my day volunteering for Haiti relief.
From the minute I woke up, I spent the day packing clothes and shoes and medicine and blankets- you name it- into garbage bags to send off to people who actually need it a hell of a lot more than I do.
People whose problems are one million times worse than any of mine.

We drove to the American Airlines Arena and unloaded a moving van filled with medical supplies and clothes and canned food. And water- so much water.
I can't even describe the feeling you get when you see a room invaded with an incredible amount of supplies to send to people who really need them. It's amazing.
Remember what I said about feeling better when you spend your time giving?
I don't feel an ounce of sadness or pain. 
....right now.
But it really is true. When you devote your time to giving to people with problems, yours seem to disappear. They seem...tiny.
And it's a great feeling. Knowing that what you're doing will make others happy and well.
It's enough to soothe the soul.
Now when I feel like crying, I just wanna buy a bunch of canned food and give it to the poor, or help out at a soup kitchen.

Seems like a healthy way to feel better to me.
I guess it seems selfish but at the same time, it's not. 

You should try it. You can trust me.
But you don't have to go through a breakup or have a bad day to volunteer, you should just do it. Because giving and helping others is the best form of satisfaction one can have. 
And you can quote me.

I can't wait for those supplies to be shipped out.
But enough of this world changing talk.

I like people who give rather than take.
They seem so much...happier for some reason. So much lighter.
People who just take without giving in return are miserable. As if they're never pleased. 
I've dealt with people who would barely give to anybody- whether it was emotionally or physically- and they were never satisfied. 
Neither were their partners.
Take this note- if someone is asking you to give more, listen. Because they're probably right. 
Unless you've run out of money by pampering them or you can't function due to the excessive amounts of attention you've devoted to them.
Then they're just crazy.
...and you could be too.
Okay now I'm just babbling.
It's the coping Davina.
She's trying to make herself feel better by telling you ways to make yourself feel better.
But no need to worry about me; I'm fine. I'm always fine.
And if I'm not- I'll just keep telling myself I am until it actually comes true.
....now where's the nearest soup kitchen?

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