Friday, December 11, 2009

PG - 13

So I'm writing a movie. 
It'll probably suck cause I have no idea what I'm doing, but it passes time.
I don't even know what it'll be about. 
I guess I just need something to possibly look forward to. Like a secret dream that one day I'll be watching it on a big screen.

Speaking of big screen, lets talk about the new epidemic: Twilight.
First off, I'd like to state that I don't hate or love Twilight. It's entertaining, sure, but at the same time...completely deceiving.
The whole "guys with their shirts off in every scene" and "sexual tension between that vampire guy and the weird girl who always seems to be uneasy", is kind of addicting. No matter what show or movie you watch, if you're a teenage girl and they involve those two things, you will probably not stop watching it.  Anyway because that awkward girl doesn't have much of  personality, everyone can kind of mold themselves into her situation. That's why they love it- feels like it could happen to them.
Why I'm kind of against it is cause it kind of gives girls false hope. I mean they're trying to put the idea of having someone amazingly charming, mysterious, protective by their side. Basically implying that they could find that.

What's gonna happen when all these pre-pubescent girls realize that the world is filled with douche bags? When they give in to anyone who tells them they would never hurt them?
More than half of the population of guys just want to get into girls' pants. You would be more than lucky to find someone loving and charming and someone who listens to your thoughts, let alone a vampire who devotes his life to protecting you and is so in love with you he can't stand it.

I remember after I saw the first movie; I wished nothing more than my boyfriend immediately turn into a vampire. Every girl wants to feel needed and wanted and secured.
That vampire guy is the perfect image of all of those qualities. Which is why tweens eat that shit up. It's the realist fairytale they can find.
It's propaganda, or whatever it's called.

I don't get people who start "hate petitions" and stuff like that against the movies. It's a movie. They have made plenty of dumb or stupid movies that people love. Leave em alone.
And you're not "different" or "special" because you refuse to watch it. Come on.
Okay enough Twilight talk it's weirding me out.

What else to talk about...

I haven't done this in a while...
That's what she said.

It sucks how two faced people can be.
It still baffles me how somebody can say one thing to one person and flip it around behind their back.
Do they not have anything better to do than ruin someone's day? Take up dancing or knitting. They're just as satisfying.

It's funny how much people will say when they think you're not listening.
They'll say things you never even knew they were thinking.
Most of the time it's not good. Most of the time it hurts and just goes through that little part in your chest.
I think it's called your heart or something. 

We're so vulnerable at this age aren't we? I mean as strong as we like to think we are, we can't defy the laws of adolescence and tell ourselves we're completely comfortable with our appearance or way of thinking.
We can't act like nothing gets to us.
Most of the time everything gets to us. Could be in a big way or a small way, but it does go through that thing in your chest.
God, what is it called again? I forgot.

Nobody understands how stressed we are. Adults just laugh it off and say it's nothing.
Can't they accept that we're not in our mid forties? We won't have the same problems they do. No financial or job problems.
We have school and grades and relationships and friendships.
So yes, a relationship ending is like the end of our world. Because that's just how it is. That's what our problems consist of.
They went through it, we all go through it. And our feelings are not to be ignored just because they're not as amplified as theirs.
It's ridiculous.

We need more sleep than infants do.
That's weird.

I remember when I was 12, my teacher told the class "oh god I remember high school. I would never ever go back to high school. It was horrible. You couldn't pay me to do that over again. Being a teenager sucked."
Thanks for the pep talk.
Eh then again he did warn us.
It wasn't like those sex ed classes in which the teachers talked to us like we were babies. "adolescence is a part of growing up!"
And we bought it.
I don't know about you, but I couldn't wait to be a teenager when I was a kid. It looked so fun, they had so many privileges.
They could wear HEELS.

Then ninth grade came.
...Yeah not all that great.

It's funny how your mind changes too as you get older.
I remember when I would see 16 year old pregnant girls when I was younger. I'd immediately think, "ugh what a whore!" or "is it that hard to use a condom?"
When you get older it becomes "oh my god, poor girl. Did the condom rip? Did she forget her pill? That must be so hard."

Because if you've had sex, you have had that pregnant scare.
Protected or not. It's almost natural to be paranoid until you find the gift mother nature drops off. And then of course we complain about it.

Okay enough sex talk, it's awkward...

Hmph. I'm fresh out of ideas.

Happy Hanukkah Jew Bagels.

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